Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Beter laat dan nooit :)

Rottz Vol.1 is al enige tijd uit, te koop bij Woei, Patta, Shuries, Velvet en Freshcotton. Ook is hij helemaal te beluisteren op de officiele Rottz site. Ga 'em snel halen als je hem nog niet hebt, op is echt op namelijk.
Na de video van Stick n Duuv is er nu clippie 2, op een beat van me:

Geschoten door big homie Kas.

Check ook de Puna exclusive Presto Rottz remix van 'Stick n Duuv - waar we ook gaan'.

Naast 'Voor de buurt' staan er nog 2 andere producties van me op Rottz vol.1, tracks met Adison en het eerste wapenfeit van VSOP in aanloop naar het album.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Puna.nl Hiphop Vandaag radio x Roelie Vuitton x Abbeye x Presto beats

Dutch Alert


Favorite Blankfart Roelie Vuitton was te gast bij Puna.nl Hiphop Vandaag radio en deed samen met Abbeye een live sessie op 2 beats van me, waarvan 1 binnenkort verschijnt op de BMU beattape.

Check de sessie hier, het hele bericht en de uitzending hier.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

BagofTrix TV 5: Beatmup beatbatle @Dado, Rotterdam 16-4-2010

First of all, sorry for the lack of updates. So much things going on, good things though.

This past friday i competed in the Beatmup battle. The rules were: you all get the same sample and flip it within 45 minutes, 3 judges will then decide who won. It was a best of two.

There was also a beat for beat batlle going on with 16 hungry producers going at it with beat cds, but since i was in the basement working on the beats i didn't see much of that.

So this is the footage my man KOC75 shot for me, it ain't exactly a full report on what went down, but there was a camera team present so my guess is that's coming up real soon.

To promote this event, the Beatmup crew came over and shot a short promo, check that out as well!

bigup to Beatmup and BCescapades and everybody else that was envolved in this classic evening!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Joya Mooi - When i take a step back Video (produced by Presto)

Joya Mooi - When I Take A Step Back from mixin creativity on Vimeo.


Directed by Brian Elstak
D.O.P: Ignat Miletic & Ewout Zwaagman
Styling: Mirelva Berghout

'When I Take A Step Back' is Joya's first single of her debut album 'Hard Melk' (The Original Soundtrack For The MC Theaterplay 'BH').